7 Clean Minimalist Homes | Home Design Find

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7 Clean Minimalist Homes

Minimalist style is based on the ideas that “less is more” meaning the less objects the better the space will look.  Here is a spectacular list of 7 clean minimalist homes.  Whether you like or dislike the minimalist style these homes should leave you calm and less stressful.

casa c duilio damilano architecture architecture

casa c duilio damilano architecture 2 architecture

1.  Casa C by architects Duilio Damilano

takao shiotsuka architecture japanese architecture

2.  Garden and Sea by architect Takao Shiotsuka

swatt orr house architecture architecture

3.  Orr House by Swatt Architects

woodside bay architecture architecture

woodside bay architecture 2 architecture

4.  Woodside Bay Home by Hillery Priest Architecture

openhouse xten architecture architecture

5.  Openhouse by XTEN Architecture

boso house architecture architecture

6.  Boso house by Kiyonobu Nakagame Architects

a cero somosaguas architecture architecture

7.  Somosaguas home by A-cero Architects

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9 Comments so far to “7 Clean Minimalist Homes”
  1. woundedduck Says:

    The fact that a “minimalist” house can include a god-awful pool just shows how detestably bourgeois the concept has become. Residential architecture is so lost right now.

  2. Allison Sellers Says:

    Good information in this post, keep up the great work. Cheers.

  3. Allen Romano Says:

    These “homes” are really quite scary. A collection of horrific “Houses We Love” from Dwell magazine. Less is WAY too little. Boxy crates with slash windows and NO visible means of entry. UGH !!!

  4. brokebh Says:

    wow, I would like to live in one house like this…. ;))))

  5. me Says:

    great definition of minimalism man

  6. Roymax Says:

    hhm..form vs function…I believe a minimalist home can have more function if properly designed. An example is have the section of the glass wall rotate open if want fresh air. I've seen one house that was like that. I like to have both form (looks) and function (amenities) in the home.

  7. vesey Says:

    it seems that square or rectangular bland boxes has become the norm for architects today. where's the originality or style ???

  8. HUDA Says:

    i think minimalist homes very nice, quite & neat….but it should be functionaly solved, not just showing the form & the stylesh of the space
    i would like to live in such aplace.

  9. Shawn Says:

    Is a minimalist lifestyle out of reach for the average person now? It seems like whenever I search for ideas for creating a minimalist lifestyle, all I get are multi-million dollar pieces of extreme architecture that anyone should feel silly actually LIVING in. I would love to see someone work with a classic design and put a minimalist spin on it.

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