Sweet and Hip Little Cottage for Rent on the Isle of Skye | Home Design Find

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Sweet and Hip Little Cottage for Rent on the Isle of Skye

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This very compact little Black Shed house with a corrugated iron roof from Rural Design on the Isle of Skye in Scotland has a simple rural quality that borders on the naive.

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Yet this is contrasted with a surprisingly hip and industrial aesthetic inside.

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Tough, durable restaurant -quality kitchen fixtures surprise you. This is no country kitchen.

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At just 75 square meters (about 800 square feet) the steel-roofed simple shed cottage was built for a compact price at £115,000 – under $200,000.

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The simple exposed wood walls and practical lamps and wood stove are far from the fussy interiors you expect in the countryside.
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Throughout, a polished-concrete floor and scatter rugs keep it easy to clean, ideal for a rental cottage. The longevity of polished concrete makes it a green choice. No carpets to be thrown into landfill every ten years.
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Almost industrial looking fixtures are used throughout. Stainless steel is the most recyclable material in the world. We are still recycling steel first smelted by the Ancient Romans.

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Only at bedtime is there a minimalist reference to a more traditional rural cottage bedroom in the wrought iron bed.
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The cottage is set in the middle of nowhere on a lonely hillside, with an expansive view that includes Macleod’s Table in the distance.
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You can barely glimpse Black Shed house here, below the white farmhouse. You can rent it, here.

What a surprise the very chic industrial interior would make in this vast and lonely rural setting.

Via Trendir

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