Elegant Greywater Recycling in the Bathroom

This beautiful design helps make greywater-recycling feel like a normal routine, an accepted practice. This is a necessity in a world in which water conservation is a must. The Barcelona-based design firm Roca showed the first ever toilet-sink combo that not only saves water but does it elegantly at the London Design Festival.
This sculptural beauty is a far cry from the incredibly ugly little sinks-in-the-toilet tank that have been seen around the internet till now.
It reduces water usage by 25 percent compared to a standard dual flush toilet. It also incorporates an in-situ water treatment that cleans the sink water to remove bacteria before it goes into the toilet, although that seems a little excessive. But this way it looks clean and not soapy.
The sink appears to be designed to facilitate standing behind the toilet to use the sink. as the sink’s widest side is to the back. I like the bench in front for dropping iPods onto. We seem to have acquired these almost-body parts like cell phones and iPods that always need to be put somewhere in the bathroom.
Although it’s a novel idea to combine a sink and a toilet; that takes getting used to, conserving water is just one more necessity of living in a water constrained world, and it might as well be done with some grace, as this design firm has succeeded in doing.
This design makes it seem as if we always washed in the toilet tank.
Via Inhabitat
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