Design Dilemma: Modern and Private in Venice, CA
Contemporary Exterior by Other Metro Architects & Building Designers Kevin Daly Architects Recently, we ventured to Brooklyn, New York, to visit a beautiful modernized Victorian plunked down in an urban environment. Today, we visit the opposite coast to find another beautiful, modern home, also part of the urban fabric, but this time in Los Angeles. […]
Design Dilemma: Three Common Design Mistakes that are Easy to Fix
Contemporary Living Room by South Hamilton Interior Designers & Decorators SLC Interiors It turns out that the most common interior design mistakes are also the easiest to fix! And that’s good news, since many of us live with a lingering sensation that something in our interior design is a bit “off.” Take a look around […]
Design Dilemma: What to Know about Radiant Heat
Modern Hall by South East Architects & Building Designers AR Design Studio Ltd In the frozen depths of winter with temperatures hovering far below freezing, it’s natural to begin thinking of better alternatives to keeping the house warm. Most of us live with forced hot air, steam radiators or heat pumps. And yes, these can […]