Design Dilemma: The Modern Retro Kitchen
Traditional Kitchen by London Carpet & Flooring Hitt Oak Ltd Yes, sleek and modern is nice, but there’s something particularly special about a retro, vintage kitchen. To our mind, the perfect retro kitchen is one that references the traditional and the vintage, without reproducing too rigorously the era from which it is drawn. One of […]
Design Dilemma: Guest Bed Options
Contemporary Kitchen by North Vancouver Architects & Building Designers Garret Cord Werner Architects & Interior Designers With the holidays come visits from relatives and friends. If you happen to have a dedicated guestroom, you’re all set. But what do the rest of us do? We’ve got a few ideas! Let’s take a look! 1. A […]
Design Dilemma: Cool Fireplaces to Keep You Warm
Contemporary Living Room by Big Lake Fireplaces Acucraft Fireplaces Question: What could be better than kicking up your feet near a cozy fireplace this winter? Answer: Absolutely nothing. Cold dark months filled with snow and frigid temperatures require a warm centerpiece for relaxing and entertaining. And just because a fireplace recalls cozy feelings of tradition […]