Design Dilemma: Ideas for Upscaling the Bathroom
Traditional Bathroom by New York Architects & Building Designers James Wagman Architect, LLC Got a mundane bathroom that you’d like to make feel a little more special? It’s possible to give a run-of-the-mill water closet a bit of that spa feeling, just by making a few relatively simple changes. Here are a few ideas: 1) […]
Design Dilemma: The Hotel Suite Design Trend
Modern Bedroom by San Francisco Architects & Building Designers Mark English Architects, AIA There’s been a design trend in the works for several years now — that is the desire to turn our homes into a hotel suite. You see the trend everywhere —hotel style bedsheets and duvet colors, hotel styling of bedrooms, even accoutrements […]
Design Dilemma: Stylish Home Offices
Modern Home Office by Santa Monica Photographers Izumi Tanaka Photography Remember the days in which the home office was that barren little room off the garage that got very little love? There was the leatherbound encyclopedia set ensconced in a laminate bookcase, complete with a matching laminate desk and a battered office chair? Occasionally, you’d […]